By Capalitana M. Little
The corona virus, also known as COVID-19, has left a lasting effect on the world. This highly contagious virus has closed schools, gyms, jobs and other influential businesses since it put humanity at a risk of death. As a result, the government has quarantined us for several months, and we have been unable to congregate socially with other individuals, coworkers and students. This abrupt disruption in our daily routines can lead to mental depression or physical laziness. For these reasons, it is imperative to continue to be mentally and physically active for all ages.
Before we were subjected to the COVID-19 isolation, many of us walked to the bus or train station. It may have been the only physical activity some individuals performed during the day. This might not have seemed beneficial, but walking is a great form of exercise for the mind and body. Walking 20-30 minutes a day maintains a healthy body weight, it strengthens the muscles and bones. Walking also prevents or manages various conditions, including heart disease, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. According to Stephanie Blozy of, “As you walk, your whole body wakes up, especially your mind. Walking is known to have fantastic physical health benefits, but even a twenty-minute walk can also provide a big boost to your mental health.” Eventually, movement gets the blood flowing nonetheless improving the state of mood and breathing.
Moreover, although family, coworkers, students and other people may occasionally get on our nerves, human interaction is healthy as well. Since individuals can transfer norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors to other people, socializing at family gathering, work or school is important. By attending these places, we can learn moral judgements and gain knowledge, hopefully having a good time interacting with others. Too much idle time on your own can make you feel lonely and out of touch. For this reason, it is important to get out of our normal daily atmosphere and spend time with people. According to, “social contact helps us cope with stress and major life changes like divorce, redundancy and moving house. And knowing that we are valued by others is an important psychological factor in helping us to forget the negative aspects of our lives and thinking more positively about our environment”. Fortunately, we can socialize and exercise in many ways from the comforts of our own homes.
For instance, YouTube, Zoom and Planet Fitness just to name a few resources have several informative online outlets that can assist with idleness. These virtual outlets vary from dancing, jogging, yoga, lifting weights or calisthenics for muscle growth to all sorts of educational information for all ages. However, whichever psychical action you choose will get your vital organs such as your brain, heart, lungs, small and large intestines working in a positive manner.
Furthermore, reading is fundamental, by reading online or regular books you can envision yourself in different places within the book and learn a multitude of new things. Reading about the Corona virus that changed our lives would affect the brain. You may see yourself as a medical personnel or a patient while reading about the virus.
According to, “reading daily could help keep your brain in shape as you reach old age. Research suggests that reading books, writing and participating in brain-stimulating activities at any age may preserve memory”.
Good health is essential for living a long life. There are multifaceted ways to take care of yourself, so whatever makes sense for your body, lifestyle, age and bank account pick one or several that works for yourself and enjoy. Doing any aerobic or anaerobic exercises for 20-30 minutes each day aids in relieving depression which is good during these trying times. The corona virus will be around for a while longer, so if we want to continue to be healthy, we must stay functional mentally and physically.