By Maria Flores
Bullying is becoming more prevalent among children and adolescents every year. Bullying is unwanted, repeated aggressive behavior that involves a real or perceived social power imbalance. These actions are purposeful and intended to hurt or make the victim uncomfortable.
According to Pacer National Bullying Prevention, bullied students reported that bullying occurred in the following places: the hallway or stairwell at school (43%), inside the classroom (42%), in the cafeteria (27%), outside on school grounds (22%), online or by text (15%), in the bathroom or locker room (12%), and on the school bus (8%). The reasons for being bullied reported most often by students include physical appearance, race/ethnicity, gender, disability, religion, and sexual orientation. Many kids getting bullied are students with specific learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, emotional and behavioral conditions, other health impairments, and speech or language impairments. Some students are bullies because it gives a sense of superiority or is influenced by home, social media, or older friends. It can make children who are getting bullied stand up for themself and be happy about who they are. Having an anti-bullying program can help students support other kids. Anti-bullying programs are helpful in elementary schools because they teach children who are getting bullied to stand up for themself and be happy about who they are.
According to Sheila Allison, “The Friendly Schools and Families program has reduced the number of children being bullied and the number of children being bullied in the schools where it is being used. John F Kennedy says, “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” When students experience bullying, students tend to get shy and more fearful. Shy students
can lower their class grades and social participation, which can mentally and psychologically alter their growth. Bullying will also cause a victim to develop the fear of interacting with fellow peers or even fear of attending school due to the panic of experiencing notions of bullying, this may cause one to miss classes, and academic performances will be dreadfully affected. As you can see. Children can avoid bullying in several ways, but the first action would be to educate every person involved on the disadvantages of bullying so that bullying is combated by all parties involved,